The Marcinčák Family Organic Winery organically manages 110 hectares of its own vineyards in 7 wine-growing municipalities: Brod nad Dyjí, Dobré Pole, Dolní Dunajovice, Jevišovka, Novosedly, Nový Přerov and Mikulov. The vineyards are located in an exceptional position in the warmest region of the Czech Republic. Individual vineyards bear historically documented names.
The philosophy of cultivation consists in a reduced number of grapes on the vine, in reducing the harvest and in caring for the individual grape. The vineyards are cultivated in the spirit of organic production, i.e. in harmony with nature, sustainably and gently. In the same spirit, the grapes are handled in the cellar.
The geological subsoil of the vineyards of the Novosedly vineyards is comparable in character and age to the geological subsoil of the vineyards characteristic of the Médoc region of Bordeaux, whose Tertiary sediments were deposited in the bays of the same sea.
The terroir combined with the microclimate of the Mikulov region, our family’s organic farming approach and the gentle approach in the cellar create the best possible wines.
Stará hora

- village: Novosedly
- area: 17 ha
- varieties: PB, ZW, NG, MT, FR
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: S
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 220–270
Růžová hora

- village: Novosedly
- area: 10 ha
- varieties: RV, VZ, SG, RM, IO
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: SE
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 225–270
U Božích muk

- village: Novosedly
- area: 7 ha
- varieties: RV, PB
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: SW
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 210–230
exceptional location for botrytis cinerea
Nad sklepy

- village: Novosedly
- area: 16 ha
- varieties: SV, FR
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: SW
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 200–230

- village: Novosedly
- area: 6 ha
- varieties: MP, RR, SG ME, PA
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: S
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 205–229
Kamenný vrch

- village: Novosedly
- area: 26 ha
- varieties: TČ, VZ, NG, DEV, VČR, RM, CSG
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: S
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 220–238
Janův vrch

- village: Novosedly
- area: 7 ha
- varieties: RR, MM, IO
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: SW
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 192–220

- village: Dobré Pole
- area: 11 ha
- varieties: CHA, RŠ, SVG
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: S
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 218–260
Brodské stráně

- village: Brod nad Dyjí
- area: 3 ha
- varieties: MT
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: S
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 196–215
Stará hora

- village: Jevišovka
- area: 3 ha
- varieties: SVG, RV
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: S
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 196–212

- village: Nový Přerov
- area: 3.6 ha
- varieties: ZW
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: SE
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 204–228

- village: Mikulov
- area: 2.8 ha
- varieties: RV
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: E
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 282–304
Zimní vrch

- village: Dolní Dunajovice
- area: 1.2 ha
- varieties: VZ
- subsoil: gravel clays with a high calcium content
- exposure: SW
- average annual temperature in °C: 9.3
- annual rainfall in mm: 459
- altitude in m: 206–215